Monday, 30 January 2012

My Love spoke ............

By  the  uneven  heart  throb  &
freaking  of the pulses,
somtimes     Still,
somtimes     Aches,
when  emotions  it  takes.

I  say  stop!!!!
while  it  can't   &
I  smile   at  every  state,
Thus  my  love  speaks  through &
I  know this is   true,
As  it  speaks  for  you.......

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


I  slept  and   dreamt  that
                                    life  was  joy
I woke  and   saw  that
                                   life  was  service

I  acted  and  behold ,
          that   service   was  jOY ..............

Monday, 5 December 2011

I felt this ........

I  always dreampt  of  happiness,
Never  thought  it  would  be true,
      Till  I  first  met  you.

The  way  you  looked  at  me,
that  you  weren't  like  the  rest ,
you  turned  out  to  be  the  best.

Slowly, steadily I  learned to  love you,
carefully into your  arms and
caused less good  than  harm.

They tried  to pull  you  away,
When  your friends all mocked and  teased you,
Yet  you never  ran away!?

But now  as  time passed by,
Heard  your  voice ,
felt  your  touch,
Being  away   from   you  hurts  so  much _______.